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Get outside with Shewee!
The count down is on - are you ready?
Make toilet dilemmas a thing of the past with Shewee!
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Get outside with Shewee!
I used my Shewee away camping in November for when out fishing for the day, away from all amenities. Because of joint problems I can no longer squat, so having the confidence of the Shewee was pure bliss. After a couple of trial runs at home, found it extremely easy to use and would recommend it to any one.
Thanks the Shewee was really useful camping and travelling in Norway. Toilets/rest stops were not always available and I used it in Norway during freezing cold weather (it was summer in Norway but we still had sleet, snow and rain most of June right up in Northern Norway) When I did not want to totally undress it was very handy even in windy weather and easy to clean.
I gave my daughter the Shewee as she is an Outdoor education teacher and thought it may be of some use – She likes it! Another great use is when boating. We have now said goodbye to the bucket when camping and boating!!!
I took my Shewee to Europe for the summer music festivals and it was great – no more midnight dashes across the fields in the dark to the stinky porta loos, and no more trying to hover over dodgy toilet seats!
Using my Shewee is so easy. I wear pull-up trousers most of the time, and have not had an ‘accident’ yet. It’s foolproof! I chose the model with the case and extension tube (please insert model here), and find the extension very helpful – I’m chubby and I like to see what I’m doing, plus I can stand back from the toilet bowl. I purchased my Shewee primarily to take on a 2 month trip to Europe, but now I can truly say I never leave home without it. It lives in my handbag, and I am pleased with how unobtrusive it is, should anyone see inside the bag. I am also pleased that I can have the case in my hand on the way to the bathroom and nobody would have a clue what it is. Cleaning the Shewee is so easy, too. A rinse each time I use it during the day, and a soapy wash of everything at night, and it comes up fresh every time. Even rinsing the Shewee in a basin in a public washroom is not the embarrassment I thought it might be – nobody has a clue what they might be looking at, and people are usually not inquisitive in loos, anyway. I’d recommend the Shewee for travelling, to help you cope with dubious public conveniences, and weeing in the wild; for women with leg trouble who find ‘hovering’ over a public loo too difficult, or even find sitting down and getting up again difficult; and finally, for sufferers of Lichen Sclerosis et Atrophicus, who just find it difficult to wee neatly. You’ll love this! So, if you are thinking of investing in a Shewee, do it – it’s the best thing I bought for my travels, and the only travel aid I still use now I’m home.
My Shewee saved my life!
I recently traveled to Vietnam and I bought a Shewee in lieu of expecting some pretty wild bathrooms situations. My spidey senses were on point and my predictions were a dreadful reality in many cases and I would have been utterly lost without my Shewee. It is the best investment I ever made and I am not ashamed to tell everyone that it saved my life. With my trusted Shewee discreetly in hand (in a pretty pink case) I smuggly watched other ladies nervously trying to navigate their way around some pretty hideous toilets and holes in the floor – not I! I sailed through unscathed and when murmurings from ladies about how terrible their toilet was and how they hurt their knees bending down – I whipped out my Shewee Case and I’d purr the 3 magical words: “Female Urination Device” and Boom! If I’d had a Mic I’d have dropped it! My bomb of awesomeness was usually followed by many ‘ohhh’s’ and ‘ahhhh’s’, so I hope I found some converters! Thank you again Shewee for saving my life! xo
I got given one recently and use it on road trips, at keg parties, music festivals…. anywhere really, especially if i can impress blokes- hahaha!! only needed one practice in the shower and i was good to go! love love love it!! my friends will love it too! they are city slickers and will freak, but i know they’ll love it!!
I love my shewee! It is a permanent fixture in my car as i travel a lot for work – driving off the beaten track to save time but no toilets! As i am also a free camper my shewee is a lifesaver! Much better than the competitor product! By the way.
I’m more than happy to sing shewee’s praises! Came in very handy just a couple of days ago on the Stuart Highway coming back from Darwin- 110km from next toilet stop, no shrubs to squat behind at the moment in the dry season, in broad daylight so i just shewee’d on a tree like my boyfriend! Ha!! Soooo good!!
Hello Jude This amazing product actually works thank you !!!! I thought it was a joke when a friend told me about it but I thought as now my children (girls) are ages 7 and 9 and far to big to try and hold on the side of the road to go to do a wee I ‘d try it. My back isn’t the greatest and my eldest had an embarrassing accident whilst 4 wheel driving and tried to go while we were driving only to wet her pants.
This device is genius – it’s already come in handy for a motorbikes trip and while on an all day fishing charter and camping. It’s easier with the extension for the girls to manoeuvre, congrats on an amazing invention. Good luck!
I used my Shewee away camping in November for when out fishing for the day, away from all amenities. Because of joint problems I can no longer squat, so having the confidence of the Shewee was pure bliss. After a couple of trial runs at home, found it extremely easy to use and would recommend it to any one.
Thanks the Shewee was really useful camping and travelling in Norway. Toilets/rest stops were not always available and I used it in Norway during freezing cold weather (it was summer in Norway but we still had sleet, snow and rain most of June right up in Northern Norway) When I did not want to totally undress it was very handy even in windy weather and easy to clean.
I gave my daughter the Shewee as she is an Outdoor education teacher and thought it may be of some use – She likes it! Another great use is when boating. We have now said goodbye to the bucket when camping and boating!!!
I took my Shewee to Europe for the summer music festivals and it was great – no more midnight dashes across the fields in the dark to the stinky porta loos, and no more trying to hover over dodgy toilet seats!
Using my Shewee is so easy. I wear pull-up trousers most of the time, and have not had an ‘accident’ yet. It’s foolproof! I chose the model with the case and extension tube (please insert model here), and find the extension very helpful – I’m chubby and I like to see what I’m doing, plus I can stand back from the toilet bowl. I purchased my Shewee primarily to take on a 2 month trip to Europe, but now I can truly say I never leave home without it. It lives in my handbag, and I am pleased with how unobtrusive it is, should anyone see inside the bag. I am also pleased that I can have the case in my hand on the way to the bathroom and nobody would have a clue what it is. Cleaning the Shewee is so easy, too. A rinse each time I use it during the day, and a soapy wash of everything at night, and it comes up fresh every time. Even rinsing the Shewee in a basin in a public washroom is not the embarrassment I thought it might be – nobody has a clue what they might be looking at, and people are usually not inquisitive in loos, anyway. I’d recommend the Shewee for travelling, to help you cope with dubious public conveniences, and weeing in the wild; for women with leg trouble who find ‘hovering’ over a public loo too difficult, or even find sitting down and getting up again difficult; and finally, for sufferers of Lichen Sclerosis et Atrophicus, who just find it difficult to wee neatly. You’ll love this! So, if you are thinking of investing in a Shewee, do it – it’s the best thing I bought for my travels, and the only travel aid I still use now I’m home.
My Shewee saved my life!
I recently traveled to Vietnam and I bought a Shewee in lieu of expecting some pretty wild bathrooms situations. My spidey senses were on point and my predictions were a dreadful reality in many cases and I would have been utterly lost without my Shewee. It is the best investment I ever made and I am not ashamed to tell everyone that it saved my life. With my trusted Shewee discreetly in hand (in a pretty pink case) I smuggly watched other ladies nervously trying to navigate their way around some pretty hideous toilets and holes in the floor – not I! I sailed through unscathed and when murmurings from ladies about how terrible their toilet was and how they hurt their knees bending down – I whipped out my Shewee Case and I’d purr the 3 magical words: “Female Urination Device” and Boom! If I’d had a Mic I’d have dropped it! My bomb of awesomeness was usually followed by many ‘ohhh’s’ and ‘ahhhh’s’, so I hope I found some converters! Thank you again Shewee for saving my life! xo